
The purpose of this blog is to serve as a public accountability for a personal project. I seek to uncover and more deeply understand the struggle and sacrifice of my aunt, Nordia Esther González Hidalgo, during the Nicaraguan Revolution. I will be sharing my readings, research and reflections. This is my story of how I found hers.

Friday, January 18, 2013


For creating this blog to keep me accountable on my family research, I haven't been very productive on it.  Life's distractions seem to keep getting in the way.  I've been on a quite a roll for the past several years with my annual new years resolutions and need a different focus for 2013 so I feel this will be the perfect time to truly embrace this project.  I am determined to take this to the next level and not let it just be a passing curiosity.  Ironically, I keep imagining blog entries but don't really get around to it.  I think of the title and know the content before I actually write anything.  So far I have managed to watch a very informative DVD but I wanted to give it a second viewing before really taking notes.  I traveled to Nicaragua and visited the land where my aunt fell in battle but spent more time in fellowship with my family than in investigation.  Over the summer I had a serious discussion with my mother and uncle about the Sandinista uprising, the Contra revolution, different associations and stigmas.  Recently, my mother was able to better remember the mystery behind all the smiles in the charming photo I discovered while in Nicaragua.  My knowledge is definitely growing, even if my written, organized notes and blog entries aren't.  Being 8 years after my college graduation also makes the academic discipline a little foreign and awkward.  I think I need to slowly warm up to this.  I want to watch all the movies I can find first, then tackle the English-language books and materials and then move up toward Spanish literature.  I will commit to at least one blog post a month but will try to build toward bi-weekly and then weekly entries.  I just need to get the ball rolling and then hopefully the rest will follow.

I am resolved to making 2013 the year of Nordia.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Erika, for keeping her alive. What a beautiful tribute to my sister!
