
The purpose of this blog is to serve as a public accountability for a personal project. I seek to uncover and more deeply understand the struggle and sacrifice of my aunt, Nordia Esther González Hidalgo, during the Nicaraguan Revolution. I will be sharing my readings, research and reflections. This is my story of how I found hers.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Seasonal Songs of Solidarity

When my mother left for the United States, her sister Nordia let her take their songbook with her so she could remember their time together at the local church choir.  It was a collection of church hymns, folk songs, liberation music and Christmas carols.  They were involved with various ministries and really enjoyed singing these songs.  There was a lot of substance within the lyrics.  To this day my mother has saved the little songbook.  It is a little treasured relic.  In light of the holiday season, I wanted to share this Nicaraguan Christmas carol that is so much more profound than any Santa Claus jingle we offer in the United States.  Below are the original Spanish lyrics followed by the translation.

My mother and aunt's original songbook

Navidad en Libertad
Carlos Mejía Godoy

Cuando desempaques tus regalos
niño de lujosa vecindad
piensa en tantos niños que no saben
para qué es la navidad
piensa en el chavalo limpiabotas
que su nochebuena pasará
en una banqueta dura y fría
del atrio de Catedral

Feliz Navidad
feliz Navidad
en Justicia y Libertad
feliz Navidad
un mundo mejor
sin miseria ni opresion

Esa metralleta de juguete
que te trajo este año Santa Claus
es el aguinaldo cariñoso
que te manda el Tío Sam

Hoy necesitamos más escuelas
mas cultura y más educación
son más importantes cien maestros
que un blindado batallón

Feliz Navidad...

Tiene que venir pronto ese día
cuando no sea la Navidad
sólo el privilegio de los ricos
sino de la Humanidad

Que venga Venancio, Pedro y Mincho
la Maruca, Lencho y Pantaleón
vamos a cantar el Villancico
de nuestra Liberación.

Feliz Navidad....

Hablado: Feliz Libertad te deseo, Pueblo mío.  Feliz Libertad niño de Acahualinca y Miralagos.  Feliz Libertad niño mutilado del Vietnam.  Feliz libertad niño huérfano de Nagasaki.  Feliz Libertad, negrito murruco del Congo.  A todos los niños del Tercer Mundo…Feliz Libertad.


Christmas in Liberty

When unpacking your gifts
luxurious neighborhood boy
think of the many children who do not know
what is Christmas for.
Think of the shoeshine boy
That will spend Christmas Eve
On the cold hard sidewalk of the
Cathedral atrium

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
in Justice and Freedom
Merry Christmas
a better world
without misery nor oppression

That machine gun toy
that Santa Claus brought you this year 
is the affectionate bonus
sent from Uncle Sam

Today we need more schools
more culture and more education
One hundred teachers are more important
that an armored battalion

Merry Christmas ...

Soon the day must come
When Christmas is not
only the privilege of the rich
but of Humanity

Come Venancio, Peter and Mincho,
Maruca, Lencho and Pantaleon,
We will sing the carol
of our Liberation.

Merry Christmas ....

Spoken: I wish you, Happy Freedom, my people. Happy Freedom, child of Acahualinca and Miralagos. Happy Freedom, maimed child of Vietnam. Happy freedom, orphan of Nagasaki. Happy Freedom, dark curly-haired child of the Congo. To all the children in the Third World ...Happy Freedom.